Tagged : Design

iPhone + iPad Outline PDF

18 seconds

PDF Recources for sketching the UI, flow of the app. Free to download. A4 A4 iPhone 6 Screens A4 iPad iPhone (both vertical) A4...

App Store Screenshots

1 minute, 52 seconds

App Store screenshot is one of the reasons for people want to download your apps from the App Store. There are 10 types of...

UI Design – Animation

3 minutes, 18 seconds

The simplification of UI design enables the focus in animation. In this lesson, you’ll learn the basic techniques to animations such as slide, scale...

Iterative UI Design

7 minutes, 29 seconds

Good design is not easy When we see designers doing their job, we tend to think that’s looks doesn’t too hard. And that’s right,...

iOS Design

2 minutes, 46 seconds

DEFERENCE Content is hero, UI is secondary. Simplify Maximize content Color. Use prominet color to show that an element is tappable or that it’s...


5 minutes, 31 seconds

The text content represents more than 80% of your design, so understanding typography is crucial. Always put readability first. Typography Basics It’s important to...

UI Colors

3 minutes, 12 seconds

Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colors I suggest starting with a vibrant, pastel color that is Primary or Secondary. There is no wrong pick. It’s...

UI Icons

2 minutes, 54 seconds

Great icons are familiar because they make an instant connection to the things that we see everyday: a camera, a trash can, clouds. They...